Millions of TikTok Refugee’s Choice
Switch to Rednote (Xiaohongshu) Before TikTok Ban
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154.3K Ratings
*Based on data public available as of Jan 14th 2025
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96.8K Ratings on iOS
*Based on data public available as of Jan 14th 2025
Who are TikTok/TT refugees
Due to US legislation ban and current Supreme Court hearing due to the hilarious “data protection” reason, many people in US are fearing that TikTok would be banned from Jan 19th 2025. Many people then find that Rednote (Xiaohongshu) seems a good choice and flee to register at that app like refugees who have to leave their lovely home. They call themselves TikTok refugees or TT refugees.
TikTok Refugees, Here is Rednote 101
Switch Language to English (Partially) by Step
Homepage Buttons That Didn’t Translated
关注 upleft means Followed
This is where you can find the accounts you followed so you will never miss updates from them. Don’t forget to ask for follow back if you want to talk with your followed!
发现 upmiddle means Discover
This is the default area in the home page and where you can wandering around and find things you may be interested in. The recommendation algorithm has involved and your like will help you get more similar feed in the future.
附近 (or a place name) upright is Nearby
This is what trending in Rednote near you. Currently, as Rednote is not seeming prepared for so global visitors, the location precision for international is limited to country level (for example, US, Canada or UK) and is just showing as 附近 (I personally hesitate if it really works for areas other than mainland China as I reside in China and don’t know if it works).
推荐 means Recommend for you
This is where you would see algorithm recommendations by Rednote and is by default homepage setting.
Must Read Before Your 1st Post
Rednote is currently obeying Chinese laws and governance as it’s international segment is NOT seperated from its China business like TikTok. Thus, many things that maybe legal and complied in US is not treated as suitable in Rednote as some examples following:
- This one is especially COMMON violation but not usually unawared: Not like you can put your website in bio in Instagram or TikTok, Rednote is very cautious on having traffic out to other websites or apps in url. Please AVOID directly sending or showing links in group message, post, public content or bio. Private message should be less noticed but may have issue as well. In China, if you are trying to get Rednote users to add your WeChat, you may also have trouble of account suspension or ban. WhatsApp and foreign apps not sure if have similar pattern here, but be cautious if you plan so.
- Political especially sensitive issues related to China sovereignty would likely cause post removal or even account ban. Safe practice is not to involve in any topics related to China politics and government. But usually no harm to discuss politics not related to China.
- Drugs and Cannabis of ANY kind is 100% illegal in China and Rednote is likely to remove the post and even ban the account immediately.
- Religion and belief can be a relatively sensitive topic and is in a not so clear area for foreigners to comment on in China. So avoid start such topics at least.
- Porn is 100% illegal. Sex related or too little dressed may cause post marked as violation and removal but this one can be confusing especially when related to swimwears (sometime they let it post, sometime they may think it is too little dressed).
- Gun is not permitted by persons in China but not sure if this will trigger violation if post as a foreigner. Shooting games are fine.
Red + & function (not translated …)
相册 downleft 2 means Album
This is where you can choose to create your post by uploading photos in your album. The “文字配图” is where you can add text to image post with your post. 全部 are all kind of contents, 视频 are videos in your album, 照片 are photos and 实况图 are live photos.
模板 downleft is Template
Luckily, this is the only one need to be translated and the inner page is well translated (except template names, but enough to know what they are from the lookings).
拍摄 right of 相册 is Camera
Taking photos/videos live rather than choose from album and the inner page is translated.
直播 downright corner means Live
Not well translated inner page… The inside page’s right column up down are 翻转(Flip your camera direction inner or outer), 美颜(Facial effects), 设置 (Setting, where can set Live modes) and 分享(Share). Downside left 封面 is you can set cover from album or camera, 请输入直播标题 is “Enter title for Live” and #添加话题 for topics.
Frequently Asked Questions
In 99% of cases, most people in mainland China use Simplied Chinese (简体中文). Try DeepL and ChatGPT rather than Google Translate as Google Translate seems causing some meaning difference.
Definitely you do not need one. But if you want one, either we or the kind Chinese netizens in Rednote would help. But do pay attention if you look for help in Rednote and get double check in case your new friends play a kind trick on you. A good Chinese name exmaple I find in Rednote for example is Jade for 嘉德(similar pronunciation and means “good virtue” in Chinese). A bad one is Jennifer for 张飞(similar pronunciation but 张飞 is an ancient general and denifintely not a good choice for girls).
Have fun there, there are many things people share the same interests and love no matter of their nationality: yummy food, cute pets, beauty and fashion, sports, fishing, travel and etc. We all love memes and Rednote is a good place to play around memes as you are allowed to reply in image and memes!
Most Chinese people are friendly but there are always 1% assholes among crowds and just report it in case you meet discrimination or bully.
Trend here in our forum
Don’t get the popular trends like what is “Cat Tax” for a new TikTok refugee? Here to know more!